Join us on Thursday October 26th for the 5th Annual Future of Work Conference: Revolutionizing Student Workforce Pathways

On Thursday October 26th, 2023, the annual Pasadena City 大学 Future of Work proudly returned for its fifth year as the Los Angeles region’s premiere conference on improving community college student success outcomes. This year, Pasadena City 大学 brought together students, faculty, state and federal workforce leadership, community colleges colleagues, and labor and discussed ways to revolutionize the workforce pathways to increase equitable student success.

The Future of Work Conference focused on:

  • How to better align the goals and systems of California’s workforce development programs, California community college career technical education, and trade unions.
  • Exploring how to adapt best-in-class systems innovations in student success to the California community college academic system to meet student and employer needs.
  • Understanding how community colleges, and its regional collaborators, can best align national and state priorities, from industry sector priorities to the growth of good-paying union jobs that keep America globally competitive.

Conference Agenda


Agenda Item



Registration and Breakfast



  • Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President, Economic and Workforce Development, Pasadena City 大学
  • Mike Fong, Assemblymember, 49th District

Opening Keynote

  • Stewart Knox, Secretary, Labor & Workforce Development Agency

Panel 1: Training, Trades and Transformation of Pathways

  • Dr. Jose Gomez, Interim President-Superintendent, Pasadena City 大学 (Moderator)
  • Victor Gordo, Mayor, City of Pasadena
  • Kelly LoBianco, Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, County of Los Angeles
  • Ernesto Medrano, Executive Secretary, Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council



Voice of the Worker


Panel 2: Innovation in Driving Student-Focused Systems Change

  • Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President, Economic and Workforce Development, Pasadena City 大学 (Moderator)
  • Nicole Feenstra, Founder, The DNA Agency
  • Dennis Rodriguez, Director of 业务 Development, Black & Veatch
  • Kelly Mackey, State Director of Strategic Apprenticeships, State of California Apprenticeship and Workforce Innovation Unit, CA Department of Industrial Relations
  • Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor, Los Angeles 社区 大学 District

Closing Luncheon

  • w/Keynote 演讲者

Award Recognition: Inaugural Los Angeles Changemaker




Please view our pictures from the 5th Annual Future of Work Conference 2023 here.

Please view our recording of last year's Future of Work Conference here.