We at the CDC specialize in children's growth and development by providing and facilitating 丰富的以儿童为中心的项目.

We offer programs for a variety of age groups, each of which has been designed to 满足特定年龄组的最佳增长潜力. Explore our programs below, or call us at (626) 585-3180 to schedule a tour and see each of programs in action! 



Max number of children: 9


Infant curriculum for our infants is strongly embedded in daily caregiving routines. Routine tasks such as diapering, feeding, and napping are used as opportunities for pleasant conversations and special one-on-one interactions to bring about infant learning. Infant play experiences are varied throughout the day so that they have possibilities to interact with different materials and gain different perspectives on people and places (e.g. 看图画书,坐童车兜风,还有被摇 in the rocking chair). 户外游戏的机会和具体,感官/凌乱 play are also provided as an essential part of children’s learning experiences.

Our program’s practices are focused on California State Department of Education Learning Foundations and Desired Results for Children, Program for Infant/Infant Care (PITC)/West Ed approach. 这些课程的设计是为了满足儿童的发展需要 infants by incorporating the best theories and practices in Early Child Development. 基于我们对儿童和儿童发展的了解 we utilize the theories of John Dewey, Erik Erikson, Howard Gardner, Magda Gerber, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, John Bowlby, as well as others, to guide our curriculum 以及与婴儿的互动.

The Infant program is equipped with a small kitchen for storage of utensils, bibs, 和其他喂养物品,以满足宝宝的日常需要. We have a sanitizing 玩具消毒的洗碗机. 此外,我们还提供午睡用品, although if your child has a favorite light blanket* you are encouraged to bring this item to class.

The outside area is enclosed and provides your child with gross motor and sensory experiences. 室外区域通常只供我们的教室使用.

Young Toddlers


Max number of children: 16


Toddlers are curious and constantly trying to figure out their surroundings. They 是独立的,但仍然非常依赖他们生活中的成年人. They are 容易兴奋,喜欢建造和拆除. 他们正在学习人际关系, 发展语言,在他们的身体活动中获得信心. For this reason, the Toddler program develops a wide-range of activities and varied curriculum 以满足幼儿不断变化的需求.

Curriculum in the toddler room includes attention to personal care routines as learning opportunities and one-on-one interactions between children and caregivers. Toddlers need consistency in daily routines; regular indoor and outdoor physical activity times 是否有计划地增强活跃、大肌肉发挥. 日常感官游戏体验 是否提供水、沙、泥和油漆等. 我们平衡了老师指导和 孩子们发起了一整天的活动. 我们包括音乐和大型团体/圈子 time daily. 房间的时间安排保持灵活,根据孩子们的需要和 interests.

Our program’s practices are focused on California State Department of Education Learning Foundations and Desired Results for Young Children, Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC)/West Ed approach. 这些方案的设计是为了满足发展 needs of infants and toddlers by incorporating the best theories and practices in Early Child Development. 基于我们对儿童和儿童发展的了解 we utilize the theories of John Dewey, Erik Erikson, Howard Gardner, Magda Gerber, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, John Bowlby, as well as others, 指导我们的课程和与幼儿的互动.

Older Toddlers


Max number of children: 16


我们相信两岁的孩子很棒! 他们仍然被认为是幼儿 儿童发展专家的眼光. 我们的观点是一个新兴的个体自豪地 (and sometimes loudly) announces to the world the exciting news of their growing autonomy. 2号仍然需要在日常生活中保持一致. 然而,我们的时间表仍然存在 灵活关注孩子的兴趣和需求. 将介绍年龄较大的幼儿 以多步骤的任务来加强听力技能. As their vocabulary grows, we will be using words and simple phrases to help them learn to communicate and solve conflicts with peers. 提高语言表达能力和解决冲突的能力 是否被纳入课程.

Curriculum in the older toddler room includes attention to personal care routines as learning opportunities and one-on-one interactions between children and caregivers. Two’s need consistency in daily routines; regular indoor and outdoor physical activity 时间安排,以提高活跃,大肌肉发挥. 日常感官游戏体验 是否提供水、沙、泥和油漆等. 我们平衡了老师指导和 孩子们发起了一整天的活动. 我们包括音乐和大型团体/圈子 time daily. 房间的时间安排保持灵活,根据孩子们的需要和 interests.

Junior Pre-school


Max number of children: 42


我们是一个多年龄段的幼儿园. 我们也是一所国家资助的幼儿园 and meet all exemplary program standards required by the State of California. We are 一个以儿童为中心,由儿童发起的项目. 我们相信孩子们通过发现来学习 and exploration. 我们的老师是他们发展的促进者. We break into 每天两次,一次在早上,一次在下午. This is the time that your child connects with one teacher, so they work on specific skills.

教师根据孩子感兴趣的内容来开发课程. Your child is provided 在课程的所有领域的活动选择. This is a time that children 对自己的选择培养一种控制感和独立性. Our primary focus is social development. 我们坚信孩子们需要相互学习和合作 other in a peaceful way. 我们和你的孩子一起培养技能,让他们保持下去 throughout their lives, such as how to solve problems and resolve conflicts. We are an anti-bias environment and freely discuss our similarities and differences.

Senior Preschool


Max number of children: 24


Our Senior Preschool is our older four's program serving children who are older four-year-olds through age five.高级学前班支持以发展为基础的课程 follows children's interests. 我们遵循加州教育部的规定 所有课程领域的框架. 上午的节目是从8:30到12:00 pm, Monday through Friday. 课后丰富活动将提供,如 计算机、语言艺术、创意艺术、音乐和运动. ​

Offered in Each Program:

该中心是儿童和成人护理食品项目(CACFP)的一部分。. We provide “nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children.” (CACFP). 为孩子们提供早餐、午餐和下午点心.

根据联邦民权法和美国宪法.S. 美国农业部(USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. 盲文、大字印刷、录音带、美国手语等.), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through 联邦中继服务电话800-877-8339. 此外,程序信息可能是 以英文以外的语文提供.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the  USDA Program Discrimination 投诉表格(AD-3027),网址为 l and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter 表格中要求的所有信息. 如欲索取投诉表格副本,请 call 866-632-9992.


  • Mail:  U.S. Department of Agriculture民权事务助理部长办公室西南独立大道1400号Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
  • Fax: (202) 690-7442
  • Email: program.intake@usda.gov 


The documentation of assessment of children is an integral part of the CDC. We utilize the Desired Results Developmental Profile revised (DRDP-2010) form that is obtained from 国家教育部. 这两种形式适用于0-36个月的儿童 3岁-幼儿园年龄. 每个项目每年完成两次评估 child.

Parents and teachers also utilize the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) as an aid 衡量儿童的发展.

我们提供为期六周的可选夏季学期. 疾控中心的夏季学期提供 an opportunity for children to indulge in projects and explore areas of interest. In a nurturing and dynamic environment, children are encouraged to engage in a six-week long learning process that encourages discovery, creativity, and investigation. Parents do not need to enroll in the summer semester for continued enrollment during regular school year.