
You need to complete an Application to PCC if:

  1. You have never been a student at PCC
  2. You haven't attended PCC for a year or more (i.e. you missed both Fall and Spring 学期).
  3. You are attending or have attended PCC as a concurrent enrollment (High School or 学习的学生).
  4. You submitted an application for a future semester, but now wish to attend PCC for 本学期.
  5. You applied for a previous term but did not enroll in classes.


You may be eligible for admission to 太阳城集团官方网址导航 if you are:

  • 高中毕业生.
  • Not a high 学校 graduate but over 18 years of age.
  • A 12th-grade-or-below student who is recommended by the 学校 principal for advanced academic or vocational classes, has the approval of the student's parent(s) (if under 18 years old), meets the college's special admissions criteria, and is approved for admission by the Associate Dean of 招生 and 记录.


PCC has an Open Enrollment policy, which means we have an nonselective, noncompetitive, and inclusive admissions process. As long as you meet the college's 招生资格 Criteria, you will be allowed to enroll in classes at PCC!

Read 公开招生政策

Check Your Eligibility

Graduates of accredited high 学校s are eligible for admission to 太阳城集团官方网址导航 and enrollment in any course for which you are qualified. Many courses have prerequisites or academic preparation which are strongly recommended. Certain two-year curricula have special admission requirements.

If you have not met all the subject or grade requirements for enrollment in courses as outlined for the curriculum of your choice, you may make up these deficiencies at 太阳城集团官方网址导航 through courses designed especially for the purpose.

If you are applying for the Fall semester and you will be graduating in June or earlier, please enter the information on your application as if you have already graduated. 马上申请

If you are applying for summer and will be graduating after the summer session starts in May, please complete your application as a student who is still enrolled in high 学校. You will be required to submit a "Special Recommendation" form signed by the high 学校 for your summer classes. 马上申请.

If you are currently enrolled in high 学校, you can enrolled at 太阳城集团官方网址导航 to satisfy a high 学校 course requirement and/or get a jump-start on college courses.


Next steps after you apply

Students are admitted to summer intersessions upon meeting the requirements. 一个居民 student completing the preceding semester in good academic standing at a university or other four-year accredited college may be admitted to summer intersessions without 提供成绩单. Veterans expecting to apply for assistance under a state or federal bill, or nonresidents, must, however, have all their transcripts on file. 


Applicants in good standing from other accredited colleges or universities are accepted for admission if your work at prior institutions meets the standards established by 太阳城集团官方网址导航.

Official transcripts of college and high 学校 records are required.

Please visit PCC's International Student Program website for eligibility requirements. 

Visit International Students Website 


You are just a few simple steps away from enrolling at PCC. 适用于今天!