

太阳城集团官方网址导航 Our Annual 事件

The PCC 英语 荣誉 Seminar Series:  September-November

This seminar series is aimed at current and prospective 英语 major students. 所有 PCC students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend.

Writer in Residence - October

PCC’s Writer in Residence Program aims to enrich the cultural environment of the College and the larger community by bringing to campus for a period of three days a distinguished local writer to interact with students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Writer in Residence events include classroom visits, writing workshops, a faculty luncheon, and a public reading. Writers in Residence are interviewed by editors of PCC’s literary magazine 内在的特性, the interview to be published in the magazine. The residency also offers our visiting writer a wonderful opportunity to promote a recent publication.

The Writer in Residence Program is funded by the Pasadena Festival of Women Authors and by several groups on campus, including the Office of Student Affairs and the 英语系.

Please see our calendar for scheduled events.

英语 Majors Open House - November

Our 英语 Majors Open House is for current and prospective 英语 Majors, students, and anyone interested in our 英语 Division program, projects, and events. 参与者 have the opportunity to meet professionals who have used their education as 英语 majors as a pathway to success in various fields, to hear from former PCC students who have transferred, to mingle with counselors, 英语 faculty, and other PCC faculty 还有员工等等!

Please see the events calendar for dates, times, and more information on this year's 英语 Majors Open House.

The PCC 英语 荣誉 Seminar Series - February - March

This seminar series is aimed at current and prospective 英语 major students. 所有 PCC students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend. Please see 我们的活动日程表 日期和时间.

Visiting Writer Series

Please join the Creative Writing Program sponsored by the Pasadena Festival of Women Authors for PCC's Spring Visiting Writers Series! Information on this year's writers and events can be found on 我们的活动日程表.


The 多样性的边界 student conference is an annual event that showcases the ideas and work of our students and provides a forum for a diversity of expressions from a diverse group of students. 

For more information, please see the details on 我们的活动日程表.

One City, One Story (OCOS) Program - March

The City of Pasadena chooses a work of fiction each year for its One City, One Story (OCOS) 3月课程. Students participate in the campus discussion with the author.

英语系 Tea and Awards Ceremony 

Each spring the 英语系 hosts its annual tea to present outstanding awards and scholarships to deserving students who have earned high grade point averages and 谁擅长写作?. Please view our scholarships page to read about our award recipients 今年.

PCC Annual Poetry Celebration - April

Please join us for our Poetry Month events! Event dates and details can be found on 我们的活动日程表.

Poem-in-your-Pocket Day

Poem-in-your-Pocket Day is a national event that occurs in conjunction with National Poetry Month and is sponsored by the Academy of American Poets. The Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day Poetry Reading is intended to encourage a love of literacy and language on campus. In previous years, there have been more than twenty student speakers and at least fifty students in attendance. In addition to the readings, students typed up original poems on a typewriter, wrote poems on poster boards, and handed out poems to students 经过.