Embracing Servingness

PCC has met the eligibility criteria as an HSI since 1990. In its commitment to embrace 作为一家恒生指数公司,PCC有意将其工作植根于拉丁/o/x和墨西哥/o/x 奖学金,包括服务的概念,以支持拉丁裔/o/x和墨西哥裔/o/x student success. Dr. Gina A. García, a national expert on Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI), defines servingness as the ability to...“enroll and educate Latina/o/x and 通过以拉丁裔学生为中心的文化强化方法来培养墨西哥裔学生 而Chicana/o/x的经验和认识方式,“改变了组织结构 为服务,并提供经验,导致学术和解放 outcomes." As an equity-minded learning community, together we will propel PCC into becoming a truly Hispanic-serving institution.

What Does it Mean to be an HSI?

一所高等教育机构被指定为西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI),至少有25%的本科全日制学生认为 比如“Hispanic”——或者,就像我们整个学院使用的,latin /o/x和Chicana/o/x—— at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application.

Artwork by Victoria Raine Corona (Transferred from PCC to CSULA in 2019) 


PCC Latina/o/x Chicana/o/x History

Pre 1800s
Kizh/Tongva people are the first to inhabit and build community on this land.
The San Gabriel Mission is secularized. Doña Eulalia Pérez de Guillen de Mariné receives 一万四千英亩的圣帕萨迪纳牧场,包括后来的帕萨迪纳, San Marino, parts of La Cañada, Sierra Madre, and South Pasadena.
City of Pasadena is incorporated.
Before and
through Early
20th century 
墨西哥后裔在铁路上、田地里、私人住宅里和农场里劳动 builders of the city. They live in 3 segregated neighborhoods throughout Pasadena.
Maria de Guadalupe Evangelina López是第一位毕业的西班牙籍学生 from Pasadena High School. In 1902, she becomes the youngest instructor on record at USC.
Junipero Serra学校是墨西哥两所种族隔离学校中的第一所,在西南部开放 section of Pasadena.
Titleyville学校,后来被称为Chihuahuita,作为第二所隔离的墨西哥学校开放 in east Pasadena. On its location now sits our PCC Foothill campus.
Pasadena Junior College first established on the Pasadena High School campus.
帕萨迪纳初级学院的霍奇米尔科俱乐部创立了“促进种族理想” “平等”,并鼓励保留拉丁裔和墨西哥裔学生 school.
在奇瓦韦塔长大的曼尼·帕萨雷兹成为PCC的第一位墨西哥裔美国院长. 在此之前,他成为帕萨迪纳联合学区的第一位墨西哥裔美国教师 School District in 1958.
PCC校友Jaime Escalante成功地教授了18门课程,主要是拉丁裔和墨西哥裔 students at Garfield High School to pass the AP Calculus exam. While the College Board 最初指控学生作弊,这一说法被证明是错误的 teaching ultimately receives national recognition.
这是PCC首次符合被指定的资格标准 an HSI.
The PUENTE Project established its first cohort at PCC.
The first Adelante Mujer Latina, a daylong career conference, is held at PCC. The 该州最大的拉丁裔青年聚会,现在是计划的一部分 of the Adelante Youth Alliance, a community partner of PCC.

MESA starts at PCC


PCC’s first Title V HSI grant awarded


阿德里安娜·奥坎波,77届PCC校友,被任命为行星科学任务主任 Science Division at NASA. Her leadership includes oversight of the missions to Jupiter and to Pluto.

PCC offers the Chicano Studies Academic Travel & Study Abroad Program in partnership 与墨西哥文化学院Español,瓜达拉哈拉大学, Jalisco, México. Over 60 students (majority Chicana/o/x & Latina/o/x) participate 在这个项目中受益于文化相关和响应的机会 连接哈利斯科州,瓜纳华托州, 科利马、萨卡特卡斯、姆萨梅西科城、前联邦区、纳亚里特等.
Pathways Center’s .XL Summer Bridge-FYE Program - On September 30, 2009 the Pathways Center's .XL Summer Bridge/First-Year Experience Program was recognized in Washington, D.C. by Excelencia in Education as an Example of Excelencia. This is a national initiative to accelerate Latino student success in higher education. XL was selected as a Finalist at the Associate Level. 

Establishment of the Association of Latino Employees (ALE)


JAM Excelencia——2012年10月2日,JAM项目在华盛顿获得认可, D.C. by Excelencia in Education as an Example of Excelencia. This is a national initiative to accelerate Latino student success in higher education. Jam was selected as a Finalist at the Associate Level. 


2014年9月30日,PCC的第一年衔接课程 program was recognized in Washington, D.C. by Excelencia in Education as an Example of Excelencia. This is a national initiative to accelerate Latino student success in higher education. First Year Pathways was selected as a Finalist at the Associate Level.


拉丁裔/o/x和墨西哥裔/o/x学生占PCC学生总数的51% College celebrates on Día de la Raza that Fall. 

亮点获奖者- 2018年9月13日,PCC Pathways被认可为亮点 Spot by Ed Trust--West at its Education Equity Forum in Sacramento, CA. Ed Trust-West 倡导教育公正和全加州的高学术成就 students, particularly those of color and living in poverty. 

在墨西哥裔和墨西哥裔研究学生服务基金的支持下 ALE(拉丁裔雇员协会)举办了第一个土著人民日 Event on October 8, 2018, “Planting Memories of Our Roots: Sembrando Memorias de Nuestras Raices.“在Creveling休息室里设置了一个壁画展览,以表彰祖先的智慧 血统和土著血统的校园最大的学生群体,很多 of whom are of Mexican and Central American descent.


这是PCC连续第二次被评为十大社区学院之一 in the country by the Aspen Institute.


Abriendo Caminos to Excellence: PCC latin /o/x和Chicana/o/x学生数据研讨会

— Excerpted mostly from Latinos in Pasadena (2009) by Roberta H. Martínez.

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