Approval Process

Each 事件 needs to be reviewed by the Web Office for accessibility, appropriateness and accuracy prior to publishing to the PCC website. Additionally, the content of the 事件 will be reviewed to make sure it aligns with PCC's Writing Style Guide.

Editorial Workflow

As an Event Contributor, you will submit your 事件 to the Web Office to be published.

  1. Submit your 事件 to the Web Office.
  2. The Web Office will review your 事件. If there are no issues, they will Publish the 事件. If there are any issues or questions, the Web Office will contact you and you may need to edit and resubmit.
  3. Upon successful Publish, your 事件 will be added the PCC main Calendar, as well as any organizational or specific calendars you have set up on your site or section of the website.

Submitting to the Workflow

After you have added your 事件 details (see Creating/ Editing an Event), you will submit your 事件 to be reviewed and published.

Upon hitting "Submit for Review" a popup will appear:

  1. Set a Priority
  2. If you would like a Publish date in the future, set the Publish Date
  3. Within Comments, leave the reviewer any notes include whether you'd like the 事件 featured (remember, Featured 事件s need to have a Featured Image).
  4. Click Submit

Viewing Workflow Status

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Dashboard
  2. On the left side, toward the top, find Workflows. Hover over Workflows and click on "Reports"
  3. Then click on either Current Assignments to see who has been assigned to your Event or click on Workflow Submissions to see all your submission and their status.

Cancel a Workflow

  1. Go to the Event
  2. On the right side under "Publish" click "Cancel Workflow"

Next Up: Create/ Edit an Event