感恩节. Friendsgiving. 感恩日. How do you celebrate this day? 大多数 likely, this day involves celebrating with food. Here too, culinary traditions vary by culture 和 upbringing.

This year, 太阳城集团官方网址导航, through a collaboration between the College's Partnership Resource Team (PRT)兰瑟护理储藏室, begins a new tradition to make November 25th special for its 学生 who visit the 兰瑟护理储藏室, as well as its Allied 健康/健康科学/EMT 学生. These 学生 have been on the front lines of the p和emic with their chosen field/profession, 和 we want to create special holiday 餐包 for them to express 我们对您的感激之情. Kits will be distributed on 11月17日th 和 18th.

  • Foodraising11月. 1 - 12, 2021
  • 食品馅料11月. 16, 2021
  • 食品分发11月. 17 - 18, 2021



2021年11月1日- 12日

Students can choose a "traditional" holiday meal kit or one with food items that reflect the cultural diversity of our 学生 和 campus.

Our partner Grocery Outlet already supplies the traditional food ingredients.  To help us with these culturally inspired 餐包, we are holding a food drive from November 1日至11月12日. We are asking you to donate one or more of these food items listed in the lists below. We are asking you to donate one or more of these food items in the lists below. 请 consider shopping at Grocery Outlet in San Gabriel where if you add $8 to your $30 购买, Grocery Outlet will provide a turkey for a PCC Student.

The following ingredient list was suggested by the Coalition of Asian Pacific Employees (CAPE).

  • Dried noodles:  vermicelli noodles, rice stick noodles, egg noodles
  • Dried 大米 paper (for egg rolls)
  • Bags of rice: brown rice, white rice (like Calrose or jasmine rice)
  • Dried meats/protein (dehydrated):  shrimp, beef, chicken, pork (can be found at any 亚洲本地市场)
  • 中国的香肠
  • Canned meats like SPAM or LingNam canned Luncheon meat
  • Tofu in sealed tetra briks (sold at 99 Ranch Markets)
  • 调味品:
    • 大蒜粉
    • 芝麻油
    • 红烧酱油
    • Gojuchang粘贴
    • 蚝油
    • Dehydrated mushrooms:  shitake, oyster mushrooms, etc.
    • 酱油
    • Vinegar (black, white, red)
    • 味噌混合
    • 大蒜比特
    • 洋葱粉
    • 蒜盐
    • 盐 & Pepper combo packs (can also be found at the 99cent store)
    • 鱼酱
    • 辣酱汁
    • 玉米淀粉
    • 红糖
    • 豆瓣酱
    • 肉汤或肉汤块
  • Canned vegetables (like): canned baby corn, green beans, mushrooms, water chestnuts, 玉米,鹌鹑蛋
  • 饺子包装

The following ingredient list was suggested by the The Association of Black Employees (TABE).

  • 劳瑞调味盐
  • 苹果酒
  • 苏打灰的通心粉
  • 炖牛肉  
  • 盒装玉米松饼
  • 盒装脏饭
  • 盒装什锦饭
  • 盒装干酪通心粉
  • 盒装填料
  • 黑眼豆罐头
  • 玉米罐头
  • 青豆罐头
  • 蔬菜罐头
  • 罐头火腿
  • 罐头肉*
  • 豆煮玉米罐头
  • Canned sweet potatoes or yams
  • 番茄罐头 
  • 辣椒
  • 玉米面包混合
  • 红莓酱 
  • Dried/Canned Black Eyed 豌豆
  • 红豆干/罐装
  • 干利马豆
  • Gravy (can or jar or seasoning packet)
  • 谷物,即食或普通
  • 火腿,鸡肉,牛肉
  • 然后客户玉米粉蒸肉
  • 辣椒酱
  • 冰茶
  • 速溶土豆泥
  • 柠檬胡椒调味料
  • 橄榄 
  • 豌豆 & 胡萝卜
  • 馅饼 
  • 大米
  • 卷 
  • Stouffer’s Unseasoned 填料 mix
  • String 豆子。, 和 Bush’s Baked 豆子。 
  • 填料
  • 塔巴斯科辣沙司

The following ingredient list was suggested by the Association of Latino Employees.

  • 鳄梨
  • 泡打粉
  • 小苏打
  • 豆子。
  • 红糖
  • 婆婆棒
  • 智利加利福尼亚豆荚
  • 智利瓜吉洛
  • Chocolate Ibarra (Hot chocolate)
  • 炼乳
  • 玉米
  • 炼乳
  • Fideo
  • 蒜盐
  • 青豆
  • 地面孜然
  • Horchata混合
  • 墨西哥辣椒
  • Knorr Caldo de Pollo
  • 粗盐
  • La Lechera 炼乳
  • Maseca
  • 奶酪芝士
  • 雀巢速溶咖啡
  • 橄榄油
  • 洋葱粉
  • 面壳
  • 皮尔斯伯里面包
  • Piloncillo
  • 藜麦
  • 大米
  • Tapatio
  • 番茄酱
  • 番茄酱
  • 玉米饼:面粉或玉米

The following ingredient list was suggested by the PCC Joint Armenian Network (JAN).

  • 硬小麦
  • 鹰嘴豆
  • 大米
  • 特级初榨橄榄油
  • 棕色的小扁豆
  • 芝麻酱
  • 干茄子
  • 罐装葡萄叶
  • 番茄酱
  • 罐装番茄酱
  • Lavash饼干
  • 磨碎的黑胡椒
  • 红辣椒
  • 漆树
  • Zaatar
  • 杏干
  • 日期
  • 阿月浑子哈尔瓦
  • 核桃
  • 茶包(sadaf)
  • Tourshi – pickled vegetables

Suggested Markets 和 Grocery Stores

Look for donation boxes in your division or department main offices from November 1日至11月12日. 办公室 are grouped in teams for details.  捐赠的团队 the most food items will receive an honorary trophy to display for the entire year!


11月16 - 18日

Complete our staff participation form to sign up to help us prepare 和/or distribute 餐包!

  • 11月16日: 10 am - 7 pm, join us in the Piazza to help assemble holiday 餐包. 它将是 a day of fun, food, snacks, friendly competition, 和 prizes!
  • 11月17日 & 18: We'll be organizing the distribution of the meal-kits in the Piazza. 注册支持 this opportunity to connect with our 学生. Meal kits for Allied 健康 学生 will be distributed on 11月17日th, starting at 9:00am.



We are thankful for the ongoing contributions of our staff, faculty, 和 community in continuous support of our 学生.